Use an Open Source Tech Stack

When developing software, there are many decisions to be made about the tech stack. One of the most critical decisions to make early on is choosing a database, with plenty of open source and proprietary options available to consider.

What is Open Source

Open source refers to software whose source code is made available to the public, allowing anyone to view, use, contribute to, and distribute it. This approach stands in contrast to proprietary software, where the source code is kept hidden from users, and they can only access the compiled executable version.


Anyone Can View or Modify it, so it’s not Secure

This is a common misconception about open source software. While it’s true that the source code is open for inspection, this transparency actually improves security. With many developers scrutinizing the code, issues and vulnerabilities are identified and fixed more quickly. Open source projects often have active communities that prioritize security and collaborate to ensure a robust and stable codebase.

This myth is prevalent largely due to the use of FUD propaganda tactics used by a certain tech giant trying push their proprietary solutions.

It Can’t be as Good if it’s not Made by a Large Company

Large open source projects such as Linux have, as a development force, a collection of developers from all backgrounds all over the planet. Linux has 96% market share of servers, proprietary alternatives barely compete. Open source projects can be created and maintained by dedicated teams or communities of developers who are passionate about the project.

I Can’t Sue Anyone if an Open Source Tool Fails

While it’s true that open source software typically comes with disclaimers and warranties that limit the developer’s liability, this should not be seen as a disadvantage. In most cases, open source software is thoroughly tested and vetted by the community, reducing the likelihood of critical failures. Moreover, the lack of legal recourse can be balanced by the increased flexibility, customization, and security that open source solutions offer. Better to never suffer a catastrophic failure than rely on having someone to sue.



As mentioned earlier, open source software’s transparency allows for a higher level of security. The collective efforts of developers around the world lead to continuous testing, bug fixes, and improvements. Security vulnerabilities are often patched quickly, reducing the window of exposure to potential threats.


Open source licenses come with fewer restrictions than proprietary licenses, giving developers the freedom to use, modify, and distribute the software without being bound by complex legal agreements. This flexibility encourages innovation.


The most apparent advantage of open source software is its cost-effectiveness. Open source tools are typically free to use, which can be particularly beneficial for startups, small businesses, or projects with limited budgets. Even for larger enterprises, open source options can significantly reduce licensing and operational costs.


Open source software provides numerous benefits, including enhanced security, flexible licensing, and cost savings. Dispelling the myths surrounding open source reveals its true potential and positions it as a preferable choice for many development projects. Whether it’s databases, programming languages, or entire operating systems, the thriving open source community continues to shape the technology landscape and contribute to a more inclusive and collaborative software development ecosystem.

Our Approach

We don’t re-invent wheel, we build our software on top of the solid foundations, developed by armies of developers, all across the world, refined and improved over the years. This helps us provide top quality solutions while saving on operational costs. Many organizations are paying recurring license costs believing them to be necessary expenses. An organization looking to reduce the cost of regular operations should consider in investing the effort to migrate off of proprietary tech stacks.